English: An International Language

English: An International Language

Are you one of those people who frequently travel for pleasure, discovery, work, or other reasons? And have you noticed that English is commonly used? The answer is yes because English is the official language of international communication in more than 75 countries. At present, it is increasingly used in all fields. Therefore, it is highly recommended to master it well, both orally and in writing. In this article, we will focus on the importance of this very specialĀ language.

Why does the English language have a dominant position?


The dominance of the English language is the result of a long process of evolution, which can be divided into 3 main phases. The first phase is that of “Old English”. Old English is very different from contemporary English because it is composed of Germanic words. At that time, the language was essentially Germanic. In the 5th century A.D., it was imported to the British Isles, thanks to the Germanic tribes that migrated there.

The second phase is that of Middle English. In 1066, Norman troops invaded Britain, which led to the breakdown and modification of the English language, which was mixed with Norman French. The third phase is the “Modern English,” or modern English, which came from the development of the British colonial empire in North America, Oceania, Africa, and Asia. Nowadays, the English language is internationalized, constantly evolving, and enriched with new words.

What are the benefits of learning English?

Mastering English is a major asset for your profile. This language is widely used in the most essential areas of the economy and daily life. In the scientific field, you can use it to your advantage. For example, on the one hand, you can understand English instructions for various appliances, such as household appliances, without any help. On the other hand, you can watch documentaries and read scientific papers in English.

In the tourist field, you can travel independently, that is, without a translator and a tour guide, especially when your destination admits that English is one of their languages of communication. In fact, all you need to do is bring a map of your destination and go on an adventure. You’ll be able to:

    • Walk through a city.
    • Ask locals for directions.
    • Enter and order in a restaurant or store.
    • Visit historical monuments described by legends in English.

In the field of education and personal development, English can develop your intelligence, boosting your cognitive and analytical skills. In fact, studies show that learning and mastering a new language changes the structure of the brain, improving its performance and enhancing its versatility. In the professional field, you can apply for many job opportunities, as the majority of job offers now require English proficiency.

In sports, especially if you plan to represent your country and compete in various international competitions, you can make exchanges with representatives of foreign countries. In entertainment, you will have access to a wide range of activities, such as movies, series, music, games, and products in English.

In the field of communication and media, you can exchange information online and get information from international media and the Internet (more than 52% of the most visited sites are in English). In the cultural field, you can communicate with someone who uses this language, either as a native or a second language. And this, in order to exchange ideas or cultures.

How to learn English?


Of course, each individual has his or her learning method, but there are certain methods that are irrefutably effective. To do this, register with a foreign language training center, such as Inlingua in Paris. They will be able to offer you individualized follow-up and personalized support, depending on your availability.

Choose group training and courses so that you can practice the language with down-to-earth exercises. For example, you can chat for a few minutes with the other students at each session. Read any document or book in English regularly, at least 30 minutes a day.

Carry a pocket dictionary, and make it a habit to look it up whenever you encounter unfamiliar vocabulary. Familiarize yourself with the language as much as possible. In other words, practice it regularly with your family, friends, and colleagues. You can also adjust the settings of all your tools in English (phone settings, Facebook account, etc.).

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