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Tag: Feminism

A Sociological Perspective on Gender and Educational Achievement (Part 1)

A Sociological Perspective on Gender and Educational Achievement (Part 1)

Education is an interesting yet complex area that can be seen through different social lenses. Today, I’ll expose you to a sociological perspective on how education encountered a drastic change following some measures implemented in the society. What Was the Trend Long Ago? There’s no accurate record, but if you take the work of Gerda Lerner, an Austrian-American historian, one can say gender inequality was already entrenched in the society during the 2nd century BC. Or, as I always say,…

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Take a Peek at the Feminist Perspective

Take a Peek at the Feminist Perspective

I’m sure you must have heard of the word “feminism” before. A lot of times. But, today, our focus is feminism and its implications and that too through the eyes of sociologists. Tell Me More About Feminism Feminism usually comes in different meanings and examples, but the emphasis of sociologists is made more distinctly on the division between men and women and its consequences in the society. According to most feminists, and if you go back in time, the breadwinner…

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